Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem visits to learn about the program


NEWTON–On Election Day, Senator Cynthia Stone Creem (D. Newton) took time away from stumping outside the polls to visit the Newton home of her constituent Steven Legge. Legge told the senator how a program administered by Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership gave him the chance to live in his own home, despite a serious medical condition.

Steven lives with multiple sclerosis, which makes walking difficult for him. Climbing the stairs of is two-story house was draining and dangerous—he had already stumbled a few times, and was worried what would happen if he fell and couldn’t reach his cell phone to call for help. Then last January, Steven suffered a relapse and woke up paralyzed from the waist down and in one arm.

While in rehab, Steven realized he had to make a change. But he didn’t want to leave the house he and his fiancée had just bought. Fortunately, a hospital staff member told him about MBHP’s Home Modification Loan Program. Through the program, Steven was able to secure a low-interest loan to purchase a stair lift and have it professionally installed in his home.

“It was comforting,” Legge said. “At a time when so much in my life was out of control, to have this piece of mind…I’m really grateful.”

The state-funded Home Modification Loan Program provides low- and no-interest loans to make modifications to the homes of elders, adults with disabilities, and families with children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. These modifications allow people to remain in their homes and live independently in their communities. Typical modifications include installation of ramps and lifts, widening of doorways, and alteration of kitchens and bathrooms.

Legge says working with MBHP’s staff to secure the loan, hire the contractor, and have the lift installed and inspected was “quick, seamless, and smooth.”

“It’s a great program,” he said. “I give it an A-plus.”

Senator Creem was happy to see state funds at work making a difference in Legge’s life.

“I really appreciate this opportunity to see first-hand the positive impact that this successful program has on the lives of Massachusetts residents, and in this case my constituents,” said Sen. Creem. “By making it easier for disabled individuals to remain in their homes, MBHP’s Home Modification Loan Program makes a huge difference in the lives of those individuals and their families, and it a great example of how state resources can be used both efficiently and effectively.”

MBHP is currently accepting applications for the Home Modification Loan Program. To learn more, visit or call Jennifer Shaw at (617) 425-6637.