56 participants were recognized for completing the five-year program

January 26, 2014–On January 22, MBHP celebrated the dedication, hard work and commitment of the 56 graduates from MBHP’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)—the largest graduating class in the history of the agency’s program.

FSS participants are paired with an advisor to set and work toward achieving goals to improve their financial stability.

The event was held at Yawkey Club of Roxbury. Several graduates attended the ceremony, including Nance Kasongo, who addressed the attendees.

“Being a graduate of the FSS program shows that you want more for you and your family,” said Nance. “It shows that you are able to commit to a plan and see it through to its entirety. It signifies that you embrace change and growth.  Possessing these qualities will secure success in any opportunity that you may find yourself in.”

FSS participants work with advisors to set and achieve goals to help improve their financial stability. “I know I am not alone when I say that I am thankful for all the FSS Program advisors,” Nance added. “Wherever our roads may lead us, please know that you guided us to that road.”

Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz and Representative Russell Holmes were also in attendance to congratulate the graduates on their accomplishments.

Sen. Chang-Diaz challenged the graduates with the words of Eleanor Roosevelt “As you’re planning your next steps, do one thing every day that scares you,” she said. “It could be a goal for the decade, or the thing you’re afraid to do, but could do today.  It could be a social ill you will help cure over the next 10 years, or something you want to do on behalf of yourself or your family.”

Rep Holmes reflected on his experience growing up in a large family in Mattapan and acknowledged all of the programs he benefitted from as a child. Quoting Stan Salett, former staffer of the Johnson administration who was involved in the War on Poverty, he encouraged graduates to use their new skills to help others, saying, “We have been drinking from wells that we did not dig. It is time to dig new wells.”