Trevor Samios to Receive 2020 Champions of Housing Rising Star Award

Metro Housing|Boston is very pleased to honor Trevor Samios with the 2020 Champions of Housing Rising Star Award. Trevor is a Vice President at WinnCompanies, where he oversees the design, growth and impact of Connected Communities, WinnCompanies’ collective impact approach to driving positive community outcomes across WinnCompanies’ affordable, military, workforce, and mixed-income national housing portfolio.

The Connected Communities team led by Trevor works closely with over 1,500 national partners to develop collaborative strategies that support measurable outcomes in six key areas: Housing Stability, Healthcare, Education, Employment, Community Engagement and Economic Mobility.

Prior to joining WinnCompanies in 2017, Trevor served as the Director of Community Impact at Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), a Boston-based, national non-profit affordable housing policy, development, and management organization. In that role, he launched projects including POAH’s Outcomes Initiative, an asset-building program called Family Self-Sufficiency, and served as the People lead on POAH’s HUD Choice Neighborhood’s grants.

Trevor began his affordable housing career at The Community Builders (TCB), another respected Boston-based, national affordable housing group, where he helped to grow Community Life, TCB’s focus on utilizing stable housing as a platform for residents and neighborhoods to achieve greater economic stability.

Trevor will receive the award during the Champions of Housing Celebration on November 4, 2020. For tickets and sponsorship information, go to

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